This page last changed on Nov 30, 2004 by jcarreira.

Webwork provides several access helpers to access Session, Application, Request scopes.
Web agnostic (independent of the servlet API) with calls:

Map session = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("session");

The following gives you the same thing as above:

Note: Be sure not to use ActionContext.getContext() in the constructor of your action since the values may not be set up already (returning null for getSession()).
Note also: ActionContext.getContext().get("session") is the same as
ActionContext.getContext().getSession() with a cast to Map.

If you really need to get access to the HttpSession, use the ServletConfigInterceptor (see Interceptors).

In your views, you can access with your jsps as such

<ww: property value="#session.myId" />

<ww: property value="#request.myId" />

All the servlet scopes can be accessed like above.
Map request = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("request");
Map application = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("application");
Map session = (Map) ActionContext.getContext().get("attr");

The 'attr' map will search the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext for the specified key. If the PageContext dosen't exist, it will search request,session,application maps respectively.
Document generated by Confluence on Dec 14, 2004 16:36